
Primary 1st grade - ENGLISH

Good evening, yesterday morning we were working out actions in the class, for this I used this flash cards that were so useful for children,  allowed us to make games before: working vocabulary, showing the action for each card, initial all together and finally one by one. Don´t forget for contents assimilation, representative work importance, specially for actions verbs. Here is the link if you need to print them:  ACTION FLASH CARDS

Primary resources

Let´s start with primary in general; it´s difficult to find a complete course book, so we need to complement it with different materials: sometimes made by ourselves, others we use the net in order to find that we need. Nevertheless, is good to create a bank of resources we can take what we need, therefore here is next link where you can find reinforcement, extension or evaluation activities: PRIMARY RESOURCES

Primary 2nd grade-Social Sciences

Social Sciences are so interesting subject for children, but a bit difficult for teaching, so we can support, for make it easier, in videos in order to take their attention and help them to understand better the subject.  I have found this interesting video about the Solar System,  is a proper explanation for second grade children, enjoy it:


Although there are many blogs about teaching resources, I´d like to thank you for visiting this; my first intention is to create a place where exchange experiences in primary education, accessing to the resources that ,whoever, can upload to the blog. You can find them organized in grades and subjects. Nevertheless, this space is to show own experiences through classroom activities, as well as links to other resources. therefore your opinion and experiences are so important for me and for the blog evolution according to the general interest. Thank you so much!